Mods can we put the forecast disclaimer back in tropics

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#21 Postby Jam151 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:45 pm

chadtm80 wrote:
Jam151 wrote:Seriously, why can't a disclaimer be placed above every thread so that members won't have to input one in every forecast they make?

Seriously, why can't members be responsable for Placing there own disclaimer? To much work to cut and paste something that we have already provided for everyone, but not to much work to come up with the actuall forecast?

Like Seele said if there's a way to add a disclaimer tag to the banner it would probably save us members a couple million clicks per season. :lol: It would make things a little easier that is all.

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#22 Postby chadtm80 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:57 pm

Well Like I said I will consider doing something different, but do not count on it.. None of the members should feel it is a hassle to add a disclaimer to there NON OFFICIAL forecasts. I just happen to feel that a discalaimer at the top of the forum and not in with the actual forecast is not good enough. There should be NO doubt in the readers mind that what they are reading is un-official. The one way to gaurantee that happen (well there is not quarantee) but the closest you can come to it is if the disclaimer is in the actual post giving the reader no option but to see it. I for one will not make any decisions that could put ANYONE that reads our board in any kind of harms way (no matter how small or remote the chance is that that could happen)

I am just sitting here baffled that some are upset or feel put out because that have to take time out to hit the paste button (two seconds of there time) but are ok with spending an hour or more to make up the actual forecast.

Jam151 Please dont feel that I am being rude or calling you out specificaly as that is not what I am doing at all. I just feel (at this time anyways) that everyone who is going to make a non official forcast be responsable for posting there own disclaimer with in there post.. This is in no way to much to ask. So those who are going to post there forecasts be on notice that if the disclaimer that we have provided is not used your post will be removed and you may be removed from the forum. It has happend before and I am sure it will happen again. Lets not let that happen though. It is a simple and resonable request

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#23 Postby bvigal » Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:13 pm

chadtm80 wrote:...None of the members should feel it is a hassle to add a disclaimer to there NON OFFICIAL forecasts. ...I am just sitting here baffled that some are upset or feel put out because that have to take time out to hit the paste button (two seconds of there time) but are ok with spending an hour or more to make up the actual forecast.

I see what you mean! You are talking about actual forecasts, not the multitude of short "I think this could develop"-type posts. Yes, it certainly should be easy enough to cut and paste a disclaimer. Sorry to muck up the works, as it were!

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#24 Postby george_r_1961 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:39 pm

I agree with Chad and the staff on this. When I make a forecast it typically takes me hours perfect it...the two seconds it takes to post a disclaimer are nothing. And it is board policy and for everyones benefit..

Rant over

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#25 Postby CycloneCarl » Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:36 pm

I don't see why there is so much fuss about adding the disclaimer.

It is the policy in this forum to do so for any forecast.
It is readily available in the first post in this sticky thread at the top of the tropics section.
It is not that difficult to spend a few moments copying and pasting it.

I do not know how easy this would be to implement, however a suggestion to make it even easier is to have it auto-inserted at the start of a post if a check-box added to the 'Options' section below the text entry box is clicked - visibility of this option might be controlled in a users profile so those who do not make forecasts do not even need to see it.

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#26 Postby angelwing » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:33 pm

I think the link above needs to be removed, I clicked on it and my pc went nuts, just a FYI

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