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RGB False color loops question

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:40 am
by Blue Water
Good Morning all, I am new to this forum and have one maybe two questions about images I have noticed more as of late. O.K. Here it goes. In some of the recent images I have seen on the RGB false color loops I have noticed either a full circle or 180 degree line of what I think are low level clouds moving away from a system. The altitude to me looks like about the same level we see when the either east coast/west coast seabreezes move inland. Is this caused by a microburst or just normal convections? Thank you for in advance for any answers.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:52 am
by x-y-no
Sounds like you're describing an outflow boundary, which occurs when an area of strong convection collapses.


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:25 am
by Blue Water
x-y-no wrote:Sounds like you're describing an outflow boundary, which occurs when an area of strong convection collapses.

Thank You x-y-no. I kinds figured that what it was but I was not sure. I see them with trop. systems but as of late they have been appearing close to the E. coast of fl. and also over the center of the state, even when there has been no storm activity. Many years ago we had the 8' tidal wave that hit Daytona Beach. No one could figure why it happened. Nothing at the data bouys offshore and nothing from any siesmic monitors. I think a student at Embry-Riddle here in Daytona figured out that it was a micro burst/ wind shear. Me, I liked the other reasons some came up with. Elvis was mad that they called Richard Petty the King, Nuclear submarine off shore because Pres. Regan was it town for a race. My Favorite was Godzilla and Megalon were fighting off shore. :lol: :cheesy: I Again thank you for the reply.