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'Emotionally involved'

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:04 pm
by WeatherGuesser
Interesting concept.

No, I don't get 'emotionally involved' in any weather event, even those that affect me directly. I got annoyed when I lost power for 10 days after Ike and another 10 days after an Ice Storm. I get a bit spooked when tornadoes pass within a few miles of me. I got irritated when I took a lightning strike and had to replace a number of items. I shrugged off the two 10+ inch snowfalls last year that closed roads for days around here.

But not 'emotionally involved'.

I observe storms and when they become big stories I pay more attention. I may take steps to inform or alert others if they may be affected. I take added interest when they may break records or become 'historical' in some way.

But I don't get 'emotionally involved'. I don't openly show excitement and 'thrill'. I use factual words and phrases, not superlatives.

I guess I don't get how people get so affected.