Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

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#101 Postby TwisterFanatic » Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:03 pm

Anybody got any snow reports? I know it has been snowing across much of Oklahoma this evening. It's closing in on my area.
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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#102 Postby ouamber » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:35 am

It was beautiful here in Tulsa!!! Got 1-1.5 inches...HUGE flakes! Perfect snow that sticks to everything! I am VERY happy tonight! Now I just want more:)

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#103 Postby TwisterFanatic » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:00 pm

Well, looks like we're fixing to get swamped in rain here in Oklahoma. Latest NAM showing a wide swath of 4-5+ inches across Oklahoma.
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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#104 Postby jporterOCCC » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:48 pm

Are we ever going to get any snow of any great amount this year.

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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#105 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:55 pm

jporterOCCC wrote:Are we ever going to get any snow of any great amount this year.

Some of the latest model runs are starting to offer a little bit of hope that we might see some decent snow in about 6-8 days...

***supposedly there is a possible virus issue going on with these pictures in photobucket, therefore I have removed them for the time being.***

This is a brand new turn in the models though, so I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet. Let's wait and see if there is some consistency over the next few days first.

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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#106 Postby jporterOCCC » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:23 pm

I spent the whole severe weather off season to prep my truck for hopes of another massive snow storm. I am begging for anything now since I have to turn around and make sure the rig is ready for tornadoes.

I also wanted to try my new 3D camera and film some snow in 3D

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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#107 Postby ouamber » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:15 pm

Might need to wake this page up!!! The Euro and now the GFS are beginning to shows signs of a winter storm for Sunday/Monday time frame. The temps will be what we have to watch, but it is finally something to track!!! :ggreen:

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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#108 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:33 am

There are big disagreements between the models in regards to the temperatures this weekend/early next week during the precipitation event. In particular, check out the disagreement between the GFS and the ECMWF in terms of 850mb temperatures this Sunday evening...

00z ECMWF:
http://raleighwx.americanwx.com/models/ ... PUS120.gif

12z GFS:
http://mag.ncep.noaa.gov/GemPakTier/Mag ... emp_ht.gif

The ECMWF has 850mb temperatures below 0C for most of the state, with many areas below -4C. At the exact same time though, the GFS shows most of the state experiencing 850mb temperatures well above 0C (as warm as 3-4C near the Red River).

Depending on which scenario ultimately wins out will have a big impact on the precipitation type we can expect across the region this weekend as the shortwave trough moves into the southern plains.

BTW: For what it's worth, the 00z CMC model run agreed more with the ECMWF. In fact, it was even colder. The run showed the entire state with sub-0C 850mb temperatures Sunday evening, ranging from near -4C at the Red River to -10C in parts of northern Oklahoma.
Last edited by Extremeweatherguy on Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oklahoma Winter Weather 2011-2012

#109 Postby ouamber » Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:12 pm

Why is there so much temperature difference between the two models? What is the GFS seeing that the Euro isn't, and what is the Euro seeing that the GFS isn't?

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#110 Postby TwisterFanatic » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:04 pm

Looks like the Tulsa NWS is siding with the EURO and CMC right now.
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#111 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:32 pm

If tonight's 00z GFS proves correct, then we might even need to be on the lookout for a few flakes as early as tomorrow night!

The model's forecasted soundings don't look perfect for snow, but they are definitely borderline and certainly much better than what the 12z run offered. If these wind up verifying, then I wouldn't at all be surprised to see periods of snow mixing in with rain perhaps as far south as the I-40 vicinity tomorrow night.

Since it's pretty borderline though, small changes can have huge impacts on the actual outcome. A colder surface layer than projected would mean a higher chance for mixing or even a complete snow changeover, while a warmer surface layer would mean all rain (which is the current forecast for OKC, OUN, TUL).

At the very least it's something else to watch besides the possible weekend event...

00z GFS Forecast soundings for tomorrow evening/night:

Oklahoma City-vicinity
3pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .5000W.png
6pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .5000W.png
9pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .5000W.png
12am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .5000W.png
3am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .5000W.png

3pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
6pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
9pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
12am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
3am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png

3pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
6pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
9pm Thu: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
12am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png
3am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/tmp/scr ... .0000W.png

As you can see, from roughly 850mb-900mb and above, the soundings look pretty good for snow. Below that level things gets a little more "iffy". The wetbulb trace (blue line) comes above 0C, but only just slightly in some cases. Going to be a close call as to whether or not any flakes make it to the surface. Definitely seems at least marginally possible in steadier showers if these soundings prove close to correct. I would say that if you see your surface temperature fall into the mid 30s or below at any point tomorrow evening/night with precipitation falling, then you should at least stay vigilant for a possible surprise.

00z GFS snow accumulation map valid 3am Fri: http://www.twisterdata.com/data/models/ ... URFACE.png

Thursday morning update: The NWS has added a rain/snow mix to the forecast tonight as far south as northern parts of Oklahoma City. Still looks very borderline overall though, and as mentioned previously it will all depend on the surface layer temperatures. If we stay relatively warm (i.e. upper 30s or above), then it will probably be mostly rain.
Last edited by Extremeweatherguy on Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#112 Postby TwisterFanatic » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:54 am

On a history note, we have reached the one year anniversary for the monster Snow storm of February 8th and 9th, 2011. Dumped 18-24 inches of snow across NE Oklahoma and NW Arkansas.
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#113 Postby TwisterFanatic » Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:38 pm

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#114 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:30 pm

It looks like there was indeed some mixing just north and west of the OKC metro this evening. El Reno, for instance, has been hovering near 32F at the mesonet for a couple hours with occasional precipitation bands passing through. Unfortunately, I am losing hope that any of us further south and east will get in on the action. There is still a chance, especially since temperatures are now falling into the mid and upper 30s, but with the showers starting to gradually wind down to our west, we might be running out of time.

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#115 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:44 pm

As for the next event...

Tonight's 00z GFS run has trended closer to the ECMWF for Sunday into Monday with a colder solution depicted for the area during that timeframe. Still doesn't look like a huge storm on any model (though for this winter any storm might feel huge), but there definitely will be potential for some form of winter-type precipitation to impact the region Sunday afternoon/evening into Monday morning. Light accumulations appear possible, but it is too early to pinpoint exact amounts. The silver lining in terms of travel problems is that temperatures should warm well above freezing by Monday afternoon, hopefully helping to keep the window for hazardous roadways to a minimum.

BTW: Ahead of the possible winter precipitation, it is also worth noting that the cold airmass arriving tomorrow could be one of the sharpest of the season. The latest 00z GFS MOS guidance is indicating a low of just 14F in Oklahoma City tomorrow night with a high of 32F on Saturday (NAM MOS shows a low of 19F and a high of 32F). The GFS MOS then goes on to show another low of 14F Saturday night (NAM MOS shows a low of 15F). If these numbers play out, then they will easily be the coldest of the season so far. Dewpoints will also be driven quite low, with the GFS MOS showing a minimum dewpoint of -6F. The last comparable airmass was all the way back on January 12th, and even that one was not quite as chilly as what the latest round of MOS guidance is indicating for tomorrow night through Sunday morning.

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#116 Postby BlueIce » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:39 pm

Extremeweatherguy wrote:As for the next event...

Tonight's 00z GFS run has trended closer to the ECMWF for Sunday into Monday with a colder solution depicted for the area during that timeframe. Still doesn't look like a huge storm on any model (though for this winter any storm might feel huge), but there definitely will be potential for some form of winter-type precipitation to impact the region Sunday afternoon/evening into Monday morning. Light accumulations appear possible, but it is too early to pinpoint exact amounts. The silver lining in terms of travel problems is that temperatures should warm well above freezing by Monday afternoon, hopefully helping to keep the window for hazardous roadways to a minimum.

BTW: Ahead of the possible winter precipitation, it is also worth noting that the cold airmass arriving tomorrow could be one of the sharpest of the season. The latest 00z GFS MOS guidance is indicating a low of just 14F in Oklahoma City tomorrow night with a high of 32F on Saturday (NAM MOS shows a low of 19F and a high of 32F). The GFS MOS then goes on to show another low of 14F Saturday night (NAM MOS shows a low of 15F). If these numbers play out, then they will easily be the coldest of the season so far. Dewpoints will also be driven quite low, with the GFS MOS showing a minimum dewpoint of -6F. The last comparable airmass was all the way back on January 12th, and even that one was not quite as chilly as what the latest round of MOS guidance is indicating for tomorrow night through Sunday morning.

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Glad I'll be flying out to sunny Las Vegas tomorrow morning. I was hoping that this next storm system would amount to something but I would be very surprised if we see any significant weather on Sunday/Monday
Last edited by BlueIce on Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#117 Postby TwisterFanatic » Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:52 pm

Right now, the Tulsa NWS is calling for 2-4 inches of Snow across Eastern OK
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#118 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:05 pm

**Updated to include 00z model data**

Latest GFS and NAM storm totals (from ISU Bufkit site)...

Oklahoma City:

18z GFS (left) / 00z GFS (right)
Total QPF: 0.10" / 0.13" (+ change)
Snow: 0.10" / 0.70" (+ change)
Sleet: 0.02" / 0.02" (no change)
Frz Rain: 0.00" / 0.00" (no change)
Rain: 0.05" / 0.02" (- change)

18z NAM (left) / 00z NAM (right)
Total QPF: 0.31" / 0.27" (- change)
Snow: 2.40" / 1.80" (- change)
Sleet: 0.00" / 0.06" (+ change)
Frz Rain: 0.03" / 0.01" (- change)
Rain: 0.03" / 0.04" (+ change)


18z GFS (left) / 00z GFS (right)
Total QPF: 0.08" / 0.11" (+ change)
Snow: 0.00" / 0.50" (+ change)
Sleet: 0.00" / 0.04" (+ change)
Frz Rain: 0.00" / 0.00" (no change)
Rain: 0.08" / 0.02" (- change)

18z NAM (left) / 00z NAM (right)
Total QPF: 0.38" / 0.37" (- change)
Snow: 3.60" / 2.90" (- change)
Sleet: 0.02" / 0.09" (+ change)
Frz Rain: 0.02" / 0.00" (- change)
Rain: 0.02" / 0.02" (no change)


18z GFS (left) / 00z GFS (right)
Total QPF: 0.14" / 0.20" (+ change)
Snow: 0.30" / 0.80" (+ change)
Sleet: 0.01" / 0.04" (+ change)
Frz Rain: 0.00" / 0.00" (no change)
Rain: 0.05" / 0.03" (- change)

18z NAM (left) / 00z NAM (right)
Total QPF: 0.44" / 0.56" (+ change)
Snow: 3.90" / 4.40" (+ change)
Sleet: 0.00" / 0.00" (no change)
Frz Rain: 0.02" / 0.05" (+ change)
Rain: 0.02" / 0.04" (+ change)

Quite the difference between the NAM and the GFS right now! The NAM shows a decent event across the state, while the GFS is only indicating a very minor event. It is going to be interesting to see what scenario we ultimately trend toward over the next 24-48 hours leading up to the precipitation beginning late on Sunday.
Last edited by Extremeweatherguy on Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#119 Postby TwisterFanatic » Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:33 pm

Seems as if the GFS is the outlier at this point.
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#120 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:57 am

February 11th 12z GFS and NAM storm totals (from ISU Bufkit site)...

Oklahoma City:

Total QPF: 0.12"
Snow: 0.50"
Sleet: 0.00"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.02"

Total QPF: 0.35"
Snow: 3.30"
Sleet: 0.04"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.04"


Total QPF: 0.14"
Snow: 0.40"
Sleet: 0.01"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.03"

Total QPF: 0.40"
Snow: 3.60"
Sleet: 0.03"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.03"


Total QPF: 0.22"
Snow: 1.00"
Sleet: 0.00"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.04"

Total QPF: 0.52"
Snow: 5.30"
Sleet: 0.00"
Frz Rain: 0.00"
Rain: 0.02"

NAM vs GFS battle continues, with the NAM showing a pretty decent storm across the state (widespread 3-6" snow totals), while the GFS continues to only depict a minor event (most snow totals 1" or less).

Briefly glancing at the 12z CMC 6-hr QPF maps, it looks to be leaning a little closer to the NAM.

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