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Atlantic Water Temps

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:47 am
A friend and I have differing opinions on a topic we both saw recently. It was
an article on the water temps in the Atlantic this year. He reads the article
as saying that the temps are to low for hurricane activity according to
European Mets ??? I cannot find the post that I read on this, but it he
"really" reading this correctly?

Re: Atlantic Water Temps

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:12 am
by wjs3

I am doing this from memory...but I think this is correct.

Altantic SSTs are warm enough to support hurricanes, and going through their normal "as the summer begins" act of getting even warmer.

The confusion may be twofold:

1) Atlantic SSTs are below what they have been the last few years
2) Hence (and based on a continuation of the cooling trend) the UKMET (in conjunction with the European Met office and modling they have doen together) is being less aggressive in its hurricane forecast than some of the other services were

There's a thread in talkin' tropics that follows SSTs for you to read:


And here's a thread on the forecast by the UKMET:


...I think this is what you need.


Re: Atlantic Water Temps

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:23 am
by jinftl
Looks like ocean temps have been steaily rising the last few weeks...large parts of the tropical Atlantic have sea temps that are now normal to somewhat above normal...plenty warm to support hurricanes.

Here are the latest ocean temps:


This image shows mean ocean temps usualy seen in the month of July:


This image shows how far from the mean current temps are.....lots more near average to slightly above average than even just a few weeks ago..
