Fighting Cancer. Again.

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Fighting Cancer. Again.

#1 Postby JonathanBelles » Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:19 am

Many of you remember that my dad was fighting cancer a couple of years ago, and I posted from time to time about his battles. Well, he may be doing it all over again. Read about this and my trek this year to end cancer below. Thank you!
I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life because I want to end cancer.

I have been touched by cancer FAR too many times. Both of my parents have dealt with cancer, and continue to deal with cancer to this day. My mother had stage 1 breast cancer when I was growing up in New York, and still battles memory problems. My father has had two rounds of cancer, the first of which nearly was fatal. Round one was stage four oral and throat cancer. When they found it, it was the size of a golf ball on the back of his tongue that was found because it was making breathing difficult. After extreme measures including triple chemo for more than a month, and weeks of specialized radiation, my dad fights on. He battles fatigue to this day three years later. Just yesterday, on January 9th, I got a call that made my heart sink one more time. Cancer. It came back. This time in his prostate. The news was better this time, and it is only stage one, they think. They are making plans right now to kill cancer again.

This fight will continue until cancer is no more. This is my sixth year I have relayed, and each year I have a new reason to relay. Some day I hope to run out of reasons. There will be more birthdays some day. With your donation, more research such as the experimental care that my dad got during round one that brought him back from a 21% morality rate can be done. More kids will grow up with healthy parents, dreams will be realized, and parents will be able to watch their babies grow up without the fear that they too will be overcome by cancer some day.

I hope to CELEBRATE more days without cancer, FIGHT BACK against cancer, and REMEMBER those we have lost to cancer.

Please join my team or make a donation to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together, we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone's life!
Prayers are always welcomed as well.

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