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Hillbilly Birth

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:35 pm
by angelwing
A young doctor went to the Appalachians to practice medicine as a way to get forgiveness for his student loans. Soon after he started his practice he was summoned to a house for a problem delivery. When he arrived, an old midwife was there and explained that the baby didn't seem to want to be born. After he had begun his examination the midwife said "Ya wants me to snuff her?' Not knowing what she meant but not wanting to appear ignorant, he said "Not yet."

A little later with no apparent progress, the midwife spoke up from the corner and said "Ya wants me to snuff her now?". The young doctor replied "Lets wait a little longer."

Still later, the doctor had tried everything he knew short of a C-section with no luck. The old midwife said, "Ya wants me to snuff her now?" Figuring there was nothing to lose, he told her to go ahead. She pulled out her can of Honeybee dry snuff and shook a little into the palm of her hand. She then slapped her hand over the pregnant woman's nose and mouth. The lady sneezed and the doctor caught the baby as it flew over the end of the bed :lol: