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Most Temperate Climate?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:42 am
by WeatherGuesser
I think that's the phrase anyways. The area with the most stable temperature and precipitation average year round and the least month to month variations.

At one time it was said to be the San Diego, CA area for the US, but I'm not sure that holds true any more.

So, where would you say it is for the US? The world?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:47 am
by WeatherGuesser
I should add 'comfortable' which cuts out the deserts and rain forests.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:42 am
by Ntxw
For the world I'd say Quito, Ecuador. Sits on the equator but up high so never really hot. Consistently 60s-80s and rain is a modest 38" a year so no droughts. And isnt rainy like other equatorial places. Pressures are very consistent rarely very high or low if at all (big storm systems and heat waves).

Re: Most Temperate Climate?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:35 pm
by Darvince
For the US, depending on your preffered temperature range, I'd say Hawai'i for warm lovers, and the coastal Pacific for cold lovers (on the actual coast, not even Seattle or Portland count under those preferences)

For the entire world, for rain haters, you have the Atacama Desert which is consistently between 15-20C and almost never experiences rain. Rain lovers should enjoy tropical mountains like Quito, Ecuador which Ntxw already mentioned. For heat lovers, you have the entire equatorial band at your disposal. However, the true perfect human climate comes at no surprise - our birthplace - on the plains of Africa in Kenya and Uganda and the Ethiopian highlands.