Iran Nuclear Standoff

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Derek Ortt

#61 Postby Derek Ortt » Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:18 pm

I am sure Iran is just quaking in their boots because we are sending a whole 1 additional aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf

When are we going to learn that you cannot have effective diplomacy without the threat of REAL military force... not just a video game bombing raid or two, or a light force that is insufficient to complete the job

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#62 Postby cycloneye » Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:31 pm

If the U.S. or Israel is going to bomb the nuke plants,it has to be a big strike not leaving any of the plants operational anymore.However they have underground facilities but with the mother of all bombs it can penetrate well underground.

Iran's Nuclear Plants
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#63 Postby cycloneye » Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:56 pm

In Tehran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that U.N. sanctions would not stop Iran from pursuing its uranium enrichment program, which he has said is for peaceful development of energy.,2933,237501,00.html

So it looks like something is going to happen soon in terms of military action,unless Iran turns 180 degrees around and stop enriching uranimun to make nuclear bombs.
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#64 Postby x-y-no » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:03 pm

Derek Ortt wrote:I am sure Iran is just quaking in their boots because we are sending a whole 1 additional aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf

A carrier never goes anywhere alone. What's actually being added to the gulf is a carrier battle group, which consists of about 8 or 9 ships - a carrier, two guided missile cruisers, three guided missile destroyers, a frigate, two attack subs and a support ship. The carrier has the most offensive power, but the cruisers, destroyers and subs are not insubstantial offensive weapons too.

When are we going to learn that you cannot have effective diplomacy without the threat of REAL military force... not just a video game bombing raid or two, or a light force that is insufficient to complete the job

Actually, the main impediment to a credible offensive threat against Iran right now is the fact that our troops in Iraq are extremely vulnerable to a counter-attack aimed at that 800 mile long supply line through Shi'ite territory. Until we rearrange things so our throat isn't exposed to them in Iraq, they know full well we can't realistically take any action against them.

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#65 Postby cycloneye » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:19 pm


The Carrier USS Eisenhower is already in the Persian Gulf and is accompanied with ships and submarines,and a total of 6,500 sailors.

Derek Ortt

#66 Postby Derek Ortt » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:26 pm

why would we have to attack through Iraq.

If we invaded through Afghanistan, wouldn't that force the Iranians to reposition their troops to their eastern border, taking a lot of the heat off of our supply lines in Iraq? Or am I missing something?

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#67 Postby x-y-no » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:43 pm

Derek Ortt wrote:why would we have to attack through Iraq.

I didn't say anything about attacking through Iraq. Although doubtless we would do a fair amount of special ops work across the border from there.

If we invaded through Afghanistan, wouldn't that force the Iranians to reposition their troops to their eastern border, taking a lot of the heat off of our supply lines in Iraq? Or am I missing something?

We have very little resources in Afghanistan, and what we have is in the east, along the Pakistan border. And in any case, we don't have the wherewithall to launch that kind of massive land campaign - which would involve crossing a lot of Afghan as well as Iranian territory before we got to any important military goals.

No, an attack on Iran, if it were to happen, would be a combination of intensive bombing and missile strikes, special ops actions at critical targets in central Iran and seizure of oil infrastructure assets on the Persian Gulf coast (primarily by the two Marine combat groups positioned there, but also by forces crossing the border from Kuwait.)

But the counterattack against our supply lines in Iraq have nothing to do with directly countering those attacks. The Iranians would count on a longer-term strategy in their own territory - attritting our forces and shutting down the Straits of Hormuz, then attempting gunboat attacks against our ships (probably with limited success). Rather, the counterattack on our Iraqi supply lines would largely be carried out by Iranian allies among the Iraqi Shi'ites, and would be aimed at diverting us to the need to extract the 130,000 troops plus the large number of contractors who would suddenly be completely cut off in hostile territory.

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#68 Postby cycloneye » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:47 pm

Iran now a Nuclear Power

:uarrow: :uarrow: :uarrow: :uarrow:

Iran is now a "nuclear power," its President, Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, delcared Wednesday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency .

During a speech delivered in the Western Iranian province of Javanroud, Ahmadinejad said: " The Islamic Republic of Iran is now a nuclear power, thanks to the hard work of the Iranian people and authorities."

The announcement of Iran as a "nuclear power" is bound to significantly escalate tensions between the West and Iran, and marks a dramatic stage in the Islamic Republic's nuclear campaign.

In recent days, the US military has begun to build up forces around the Gulf, in what is being seen as as a warning to Iran.

Iran's president says Iran is now a full nuclear power.Now let's see what will occur as the U.S Navy is building forces in the Persian Gulf.

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#69 Postby x-y-no » Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:14 am

cycloneye wrote:Iran's president says Iran is now a full nuclear power.Now let's see what will occur as the U.S Navy is building forces in the Persian Gulf.

As I understand it, he was talking about having achieved a nuclear reaction in their reactor. Even if that's true - it's not really what we mean by the term "a full nuclear power." By all indications they're still a long way off from nuclear weaponry.

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#70 Postby cycloneye » Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:49 pm

As I understand it, he was talking about having achieved a nuclear reaction in their reactor. Even if that's true - it's not really what we mean by the term "a full nuclear power." By all indications they're still a long way off from nuclear weaponry.

Yes,I agree that they are green in terms of having a complete made nuclear weapon.Some estimates about when they can have the bomb varie from 1 year to 10 years.However,they have plenty of uranium to enrich and advance the proccess for completion in less time.

By the way,below is what Iran's president said about possible sanctions that the U.N may imposse.

:darrow: :darrow: :darrow: :darrow: :darrow:

Iran President responds to Bush
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#71 Postby brunota2003 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:03 pm

WASHINGTON - The Iranian government financed a 1996 terrorist attack that killed 19 Americans in Saudi Arabia and must pay $254 million to the victims' families, a federal judge ruled Friday.
Iran Financed Bombing
Now...things are going to get interesting...while this does not deal with the nuke situation, I am curious if we can use this ruling to our advantage somehow...if you finance a terrorist, then you are a terrorist...and arent we techinically at war with terrorism?

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#72 Postby cycloneye » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:18 pm

brunota2003 wrote:WASHINGTON - The Iranian government financed a 1996 terrorist attack that killed 19 Americans in Saudi Arabia and must pay $254 million to the victims' families, a federal judge ruled Friday.
Iran Financed Bombing
Now...things are going to get interesting...while this does not deal with the nuke situation, I am curious if we can use this ruling to our advantage somehow...if you finance a terrorist, then you are a terrorist...and arent we techinically at war with terrorism?

There you have more evidence that Iran is the most biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world.And this does not deviate too much from the nuclear standoff because they can sell nuclear technology to the Al-Qaeda terrorists.And that is why the U.S. is planning to build the Navy presence in the Persian Gulf,to cause a show of force to the hardliners in Iran to abandon their nuclear ambitions.

By the way,in the U.N the diplomats are trying to approve a resolution that will allow sanctions against Iran but that is going very slow in their discussions. ... index.html

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#73 Postby brunota2003 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:25 pm

thats true...I was just thinking though about the story...overall it does fit however, you are correct. Anything new on Israel taking out Iran? or are they waiting for us to get more stuff in there?

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#74 Postby cycloneye » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:29 pm

brunota2003 wrote:thats true...I was just thinking though about the story...overall it does fit however, you are correct. Anything new on Israel taking out Iran? or are they waiting for us to get more stuff in there?

Top Secret from them.Nothing new in that front.I remember,when Israel bombed the Iraq Nuclear plant in 1981,the weeks and months preceeding the bombing were quiet from them.I am not saying that the mum from Israel may lead to that but let's watch it and see.
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#75 Postby cycloneye » Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:58 am

Breaking News=The U.N Security Council just approved in a unamimus vote 15-0 to impose sanctions against Iran.

More information later as it comes.
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#76 Postby brunota2003 » Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:07 pm

you beat me to it...:lol:
UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution Saturday imposing sanctions against Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment, culminating two months of negotiations aimed at pressuring Tehran to clarify its nuclear ambitions.

The resolution orders all countries to ban the supply of specified materials and technology that could contribute to Iran's nuclear and missile programs. It also imposes an asset freeze on key companies and people in the country's nuclear and missile programs named on a U.N. list.

If Iran refuses to comply, the resolution warns Iran that the council will adopt further nonmilitary sanctions.

Source: ... an_nuclear
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#77 Postby cycloneye » Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:39 pm


U.N. Imposes economic sanctions against Iran

Now let's see what will the response from Iran be to these sanctions.

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#78 Postby cycloneye » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:48 am

Iran rejects the resolution.Now things for sure will heat up and also for sure the price of oil will go up,especially if Iran blocks the Straits of Hormuz.
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#79 Postby cycloneye » Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:56 pm

Egypt does not want Iran to Become a Nuclear Power

Interesting to read this information about why Egypt does not want Iran to become a Nuclear Power in the Middle East.

In other news related to the Standoff,Oil prices fell today over $1.00 a barrell as mild weather in the U.S is causing less oil demand was the factor for the decline,not the latest news of the Iran Nuclear Standoff of the past weekend as this morning the prices would go higher on the Iran situation but didn't.

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#80 Postby x-y-no » Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:11 pm

cycloneye wrote:Egypt does not want Iran to Become a Nuclear Power

Interesting to read this information about why Egypt does not want Iran to become a Nuclear Power in the Middle East.

In other news related to the Standoff,Oil prices fell today over $1.00 a barrell as mild weather in the U.S is causing less oil demand was the factor for the decline,not the latest news of the Iran Nuclear Standoff of the past weekend as this morning the prices would go higher on the Iran situation but didn't.

Yeah, all the Sunni Arab states are worried about the acsendancy of the Shi'ite Persians. It puts them in the odd (for them) position of having some common cause with Israel.

Seems to me that if it's at all possible to build some new stable balance in the region, then exploiting this fact diplomatically would play a large part in achieving that.

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