Looting, slippery slope to anarchy, murder, and rape

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Looting, slippery slope to anarchy, murder, and rape

#1 Postby Wacahootaman » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:18 am

IMO the reason the govt in NO has finally tried to get serious about looting is because they know that it is just the beginning.Arson,murder, rape, armed robbery, gangs terrorizing stranded people, this is happening now, perhaps on a wide scale.

I dont even want to think about the horrofic stories of flooded neighborhoods controlled by these thugs that will be told in the days ahead!

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#2 Postby Cookiely » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:34 am

This is why they are shooting at the helcopter and slowing down the evac of people. They don't want things to get better so they can continue their looting and worse.

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#3 Postby ericinmia » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:38 am

THis just goes to show a few things...

The Govenor HAS NOT CONTROL, she is the one controling the Natl Guard....

The Natl Guard is not equiped and hardened enough to handle the situation...

Brutal TRUE Martial Law needs to be declared to allow Active duty troops to take over FULL control, and replace this sad attempt at Emergeny Mgmt.

This is sooo infuriating. Miami, a LARGER city never had these problems in a similar situation after andrew. The military was on site Immediatly, we didn't mess around.

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