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#21 Postby weatherwunder » Fri Jun 27, 2003 9:12 pm

I understand what the different ranks mean, I was just stating that I think the whole thing was getting blown out of proportion.

Sorry if I caused any confusion, I seem to be good at that lately. Maybe I should have just stayed quiet.


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#22 Postby weatherwunder » Fri Jun 27, 2003 9:29 pm

All I was really getting to, is that it is a great idea!

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#23 Postby Lindaloo » Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:36 pm

Stormsfury wrote:I understand exactly where Perry is coming from ... I remember a visit to the Charleston NWS and the former director and meteorologist in charge Dick Shenot telling me with my father there that day that "I knew more about meteorology than most of his staff at Charleston NWS" at that time ... was this an ego-boost for me? A definite yes. But am I a professional met? No. I do not have the degrees to back that up ... and like Perry said above, Perry and myself are likely more than qualified to be mets, but we are not "professionals" ... and that's what I think is what Perry was stating ...


Well Mike, IMO.. I believe you should go and get that degree!! You are very good at forecasting and explaining things.

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#24 Postby weatherwunder » Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:48 pm

I agree, Mike is better than most mets that I have encountered.

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#25 Postby mf_dolphin » Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:30 am

We have a great group of non-professional mets here at Storm2k including our own STORM2K Forecast team. That's why they al carry a special "Rank" as well. Besides their weather knowledge, they are also very good at explaining the weather features to the rest of us! Besides our own team, we also have a lot of well know weather/tropics enthusiasts who have established their knowledge throught the weather community. It's the combination of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm that makes this a great board to be a part of! :-)


#26 Postby JetMaxx » Sat Jun 28, 2003 10:24 pm

Look, I'm sorry if my posts came off as "blowing anything out of proportion". I didn't intend it in that manner..
I have a great respect for all professional meteorologists, many of whom are friends of mine.

I guess what happened to me was a kneejerk reaction to what someone said about making sure those who recieve the new rank are really who they claim they are. I have no problem with verification of meteorology degrees...but it doesn't take a degreed meteorologist to give an accurate analysis and forecast.

Yes, there are definitely meteorologist pretenders on the internet...that are on an ego trip, legends in their own mind even though they have the true forecasting ability of a semi-conscious skunk (and most of you know who I'm talking about).

These pretenders are in reality nothing more than wishcasters that tell everyone what THEY want to happen, and it's often off the wall and forecasting tonight's potential T.D. into a cat-5 into Tampa Bay (or SNE!!!! :D

There are many others such as myself and Stormsfury that KNOW the science of meteorology; because we've studied it with a passion since we were kids. We may not have college degrees, but can tell you what is happening, and what is likely coming down the pike. I can tell you why hurricane Camille was so intense, and why it occurs so rarely...I can look at tornado damage and give you a very good estimate of the wind speeds involved (in 2001 convinced WSFO Memphis to increase the Pontotoc, Mississippi killer tornado rating from F2 to F3).

I rarely make forecasts; especially concerning tropical storms and hurricanes....because frankly the forecasters at NHC get paid to put their reputations on the line....I don't need the same hassle they recieve -- not when I do it for free.

I'm 41 with a quite stressful life (elderly caretaker = yikes!!) and high blood pressure. Why add more stress when I don't have too...especially when I remember high blood pressure was a major factor in the brain aneurism that took my mother's life at the same age I am today.

The only time you'll see me post a forecast is when I see friends in harms way, and want to give them all the "heads up" I can; sometimes I see things (keys I look for) coming before NHC or SPC (they see it too but have protocol to worry about....I don't).

In any event, I'm sorry if anyone was offended, especially professional meteorologists. I never have claimed to be a professional meteorologist on the internet, and don't consider myself one. I was only trying to avoid being lumped in with pretenders.

God Bless,
Perry Williams

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#27 Postby weatherwunder » Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:32 am

Yes, there are definitely meteorologist pretenders on the internet...that are on an ego trip, legends in their own mind even though they have the true forecasting ability of a semi-conscious skunk (and most of you know who I'm talking about).

These pretenders are in reality nothing more than wishcasters that tell everyone what THEY want to happen, and it's often off the wall and forecasting tonight's potential T.D. into a cat-5 into Tampa Bay (or SNE!!!!

I read this last night, and was not going to post a response, but this morning when I got up I changed my mind.

Let me start off by saying that I love it here at Storm2K, and enjoy every login that I spend here. I joined here so I could learn and increase my knowledge.

I will admit, I do not know that much about Tropical Storms (I hoped to learn it here). I have spent most of my time learing about severe thunderstorms and tornadoes since I live in that part of the country.

I may not be the forcaster that many of the people here are, nor do I proclaim to be. But I don't think I am a PRETENDER or a WEATHER WEENIE. And I am not sure who Perry was referring to, nor do I really want to know.

The attraction to Storm2K for me was the fact that the population here is very diverse. From those who should be professional mets, to those who know very little about weather and are here to learn. I place myself somewhere in the middle of this group.

If there are those that are nearly professional mets, then those people can help the rest of us learn. Yes, there are going to be people who want to believe they are forecasters, but I think those are few and far between on this board.

I somehow feel offended by the PRETENDER and WEATHER WEENIE comments, and maybe it is time that I take a break from Storm2K for awhile. I somewhat feel that Perrys last post was directed to me, since it was in response to some things I stated.

I work in the insurance industry, and have obtained serveral designations for the insurance industry. Does this make me an expert in insurance? By no means. But is it a warm and fuzzy to speak at a conference and have your designations recognized? Of course.

The whole professional met rank is a courtesy for people who have went that extra mile to get the degree. Not a slap in the face for those who don't have the degree.

I do not post thousands of posts, I just love researching and learning about the weather. I have learned so much in the short time I have been here.

I am not trying to offend anyone (I sure this will though), I felt I had to voice my opinion. I am 40 years old, and old habits are hard to break LOL!



#28 Postby JetMaxx » Sun Jun 29, 2003 1:41 pm

Jeff, MY POST LAST NIGHT was directed at pretenders such as "Great One"-- who make complete idiots of themselves....acting as if they are professional meteorologists while posting nothing but foolishness. Go read some of Great One's nonsense at GoPBI (he fits in well there :D.

Also, am I the only one that remembers "PAUK" the past three years, wishcasting every potential hurricane into southern New England (SNE!!). Blizzard22 at WWBB is the same way...once forecast a 190 mph hurricane into Connecticut. Those are the type I was referring to as pretenders last night Jeff....not you!

Jeff, I wasn't thinking anything derogatory about you when I posted my post last night. IF I had a problem with you, I'm mature enough to handle it in private (p.m.)...not on a public forum.

I'm honestly sorry I ever responded to this thread to begin with. YES, I do have a huge pet peeve of being labeled as "inferior", "weenie", and a "pretender" because I lack a college degree -- but NOT because of anyone here at Storm2K. Everyone here has treated me kindly and with respect...the same respect I always try to show others.

My peeve because I've been labeled as weather weenie and troll (among other nasty things) at other meteorologists and others with no class; One professional forecaster in particular at WWBB that made me quite angry with his slurs.

When I challenged him to enter the forecasting contest against me...he refused. That told me all I needed to know about the blowhard (IMO afraid he'd be humilated by someone he considered a "weenie").

Jeff, I meant no disrespect to you last night. I'm truly sorry you felt my post, or any part of it was directed at you. I have great respect for you, and always enjoy your posts.


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#29 Postby weatherwunder » Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:34 pm

I have a great deal of respect for you too! Let's end this stuff here and move on to more important things.

Sorry about talking out of line and misunderstanding some things that were said. Reading things on a message board is harding then talking in person.

Time to bury the hatchet (not in my head please!)



#30 Postby JetMaxx » Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:56 pm

I agree Jeff....God bless you my friend! :)


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#31 Postby weatherwunder » Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:57 pm

Thanks for being such a understanding and kind person. It is people like you that make life worthwhile.

:P :lol: :P :lol:


#32 Postby JetMaxx » Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:03 pm

Thanks Jeff....I've had a trying day (car trouble). Your kind comments just made it much brighter. :)

May God bless,

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#33 Postby JQ Public » Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:23 pm

cool idea dolph!

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#34 Postby Lindaloo » Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:47 pm

Well Jeff and Perry I am proud of you two!! Now, if Lindaloo was giving forecasts on this board then we would ALL know to look and see if it was really raining outside. LOL!!!!

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#35 Postby azsnowman » Tue Jul 01, 2003 5:07 pm

Any new ranks for us Pro Am Golfers??? "LOL!" Just kidding! GREAT idear Marshall and the rest of the gang!


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#36 Postby weatherwunder » Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:39 pm

Thanks Lindaloo, guess I just got carried away and opened my keyboard before I thought.

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#37 Postby vbhoutex » Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:57 am

Ok, I am the culprit here!!! Throw the hatchet at me!!! :o :lol: I am the one that suggested this rank to admin since I actually do have several "professional mets" "in my pocket" whom I deal with on a regular basis, especially when we have active storms!! Perry, in fact knows who they are since I have corresponded with Perry for several years and we have become close friends with a lot of the same professional met friends on the net. If you have read all of Perry's posts in this thread you know the sole reason he is not one of our forecasters. I respect his reasons and leave it at that. I would have a lot more "professional mets" on the forecast team here if it were possible to pry them away from their very busy lives, especially at this time of year.

As Marshall said, the Professional Met rank is merely a professional courtesy. It does not make anyone better than anyone else. You can be assured that type of courtesy will be afforded only after we/I have verified the "truth"! If you watch all of the forecasts on this site you will find that those that are "more knowledgeable" will be make mistakes also. That is the nature of dealing with Mother Nature. She is always out to trick us I think!!

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings or misgivings about what is being done "behind the scenes" regarding forecasting. If you ever have a question or comment about that here at storm2k feel free to email or pm me. We have nothing to hide and are always open to suggestions for improvement.
Skywarn, C.E.R.T.
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#38 Postby Colin » Wed Jul 02, 2003 12:33 pm

I didn't think there was any problem at all with the rank, in fact I think it was a GREAT idea and I'm glad you came up with it. Now lets just leave it at that.


#39 Postby ColdFront77 » Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:54 pm

I have had the pleasure to correspond with a few meteorologists online. I would love to "converse" with them and others on a regular basis on AIM or via e-mail.

There aren't many people like me that want to be a meteorologist, aren't going to college to get their degree for an obvious reason.
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#40 Postby weatherwunder » Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:08 pm

I would love to go back to school and study meteorology. But the family and just keeping up with everyday life puts a damper on that.

Not to mention that I am 40 years old.


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