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#1 Postby southerngale » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:44 am

Of course that's you! ;)

Now that I have your attention, please take a moment to read this.

Ok folks, the season is here and it's time to tighten up these tropical threads. This is a message board, not a chatroom. We do have a chatroom available 24/7 for anyone interested in conversational weather chat.

The Talkin' Tropics forum is a place for sharing, discussing, and learning. Unfortunately, well thought out, informative posts can be completely buried in mere minutes beneath a mountain of posts with really no useful substance at all. Questions and comments are welcomed...that's what we're here for. This isn't a professionals only board, but in the interest of time and space, it is not necessary to post every single thought that pops in your head. That's chatroom style. Storm2k has become an important weather information source for many people. If you're at work, and you only have a few minutes to grab the latest tropical information, how frustrating it must be to plow through page after page of "I agree" "time to lock this thread" "that sounds possible" and "I already said that in another thread," etc.

"I agree" - Unless you have a weighty meteorological reputation, whether or not you agree is irrelevant to most people reading the post. What if everyone replied just to say "I agree" or "I disagree" - it would need its own forum.

"Time to lock this thread" - Please continue posting on topic until the thread is locked. How silly and wasteful to post a countdown until it's locked. It wastes valuable time and space.

"That sounds possible" - Almost anything is possible. Possibilites are limitless and universally accepted as such so it's not necessary to reply just to point this out.

"I already said/saw that in another thread" - Believe it or not, some people do not read every single post on every single page in every single thread. That comment is really just rude. This isn't a game of one-upmanship. Nobody is trying to steal your thunder. Maybe they didn't read your post and they made a similar comment. It's probably not intentional and you don't need to waste a post pointing it out.

Here's another tip: it's not always necessary to quote someone's entire post or graphic just to comment on it. Obviously, sometimes it is, but use good judgment. Most of the time it's just a space muncher.

I think you get the idea. I hope that helps anyway. Obviously, I can't address every possible scenario, but please take a moment or two before you submit your post and ask yourself if it's relevant. Remember: quality over quantity. Storm2k is a fun place to be and we want to keep it that way. When the weather turns more serious though, naturally the forum will too. But for the most part, Storm2k is a fun, informative community for weather enthusiasts. Now that the tropics are heating up, I think it's important to keep the Talkin' Tropics forum just that....talkin' tropics. :)
Last edited by southerngale on Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Postby Audrey2Katrina » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:15 am

quality over quantity.

Those words say it all.

I don't wish to be one of those "I agree" folks here, so I'd like to just add one little codicil if I may, for those "enthusiasts" out there. Some of us have literally been through hell backward, and while I (I can't speak for anyone else) can appreciate the curiosity and enthusiasm of youth, and even the not-so-young, I would ask that you try to bridle your enthusiasm just enough to not make it sound as if you're really hoping some place will get slammed by a major--or any TC for that matter as they all can be both deadly and destructive.

I'm as guilty as the next in wanting to plot and follow every move of a system once it gets "interesting", but the one thing I will religiously stick to, is not wishing for a landfall in any particular area--only the satisfaction one gets in watching one of the truly awesome displays of nature's power, .....

And dearly hoping it stays far away from here!

Thanks Southerngale--hope that wasn't trying to steal any thunder! :wink:


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#3 Postby southerngale » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:17 am

Of course not, A2K. Comments are welcomed. I hope dearly that I didn't come off too harsh, because that was not my intention. I just want this to be an enjoyable and informative place for everyone, and I also worry that too many unnecessary posts will put a strain on the server when we have hundreds of people on here looking for information on a threatening hurricane. There are always exceptions and this wasn't meant to nix every "I agree" comment, but using good judgement can go a long way. :)

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#4 Postby RQSTR » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:56 am

:D This thread sould be a sticky... That's what I was trying to say in my topic tonight...

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#5 Postby Downdraft » Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:24 am

A very good post but with something left out. Last year was the first time we seem to let rude or personal attacks get almost out of hand. The board did take on a very ill spirit at times mostly from newer posters that came aboard in 2004 and 2005. I hope this year we can nip that in the bud before it starts and deal with it as we always have. It is one thing to disagree it's quite another not to do it with respect. Let's all have a great year together again!

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#6 Postby skysummit » Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:27 am

OKAY Boss!!! :D

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#7 Postby Ixolib » Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:28 am

For many reasons, I do not post here as often as I did in the past. Partly because the last nine months or so have been spent in recovery from Katrina and partly because the last month or so has been spent in moving from Biloxi to Madeira Beach. But certainly, a contributing reason is the seemingly abrupt change to the culture of S2K.

Back in the "old" days, this board was, in fact, a wonderful place to review and share pertinent information regarding tropical issues. However, today there is surely a different "feel". I'd imagine the primary reason for the points brought up by Southerngale is the apparent huge increase in membership that can most probably be attributed to the events of August 29 & 30, 2005.

Hopefully, some of our newer members might consider taking their cue from some of the more seasoned members, and begin posting in a like manner. Of course, not every "new" member is a contributing factor, just as not every "old" member is an angelic poster. But, if we want to get S2K back to the "way it used to be", I believe the best way to get there is for all of us to take Kelly's advice to heart. It truly does boil down to exercising good judgement...

Thanks Southerngale.

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#8 Postby x-y-no » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:21 am

I agree. That sounds possible.

Time to lock this thread.

:lol: :lol:

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#9 Postby dhweather » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:41 am

Ixolib wrote:For many reasons, I do not post here as often as I did in the past. Partly because the last nine months or so have been spent in recovery from Katrina and partly because the last month or so has been spent in moving from Biloxi to Madeira Beach. But certainly, a contributing reason is the seemingly abrupt change to the culture of S2K.

Back in the "old" days, this board was, in fact, a wonderful place to review and share pertinent information regarding tropical issues. However, today there is surely a different "feel". I'd imagine the primary reason for the points brought up by Southerngale is the apparent huge increase in membership that can most probably be attributed to the events of August 29 & 30, 2005.

Hopefully, some of our newer members might consider taking their cue from some of the more seasoned members, and begin posting in a like manner. Of course, not every "new" member is a contributing factor, just as not every "old" member is an angelic poster. But, if we want to get S2K back to the "way it used to be", I believe the best way to get there is for all of us to take Kelly's advice to heart. It truly does boil down to exercising good judgement...

Thanks Southerngale.

Well said Iloxib. When I saw the 90L thread with basketball talk in it,
tht pretty much summed up the direction s2k has been headed in.

I hope people will focus on QUALITY posts, and not quantity, nor posting extraneous junk.

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#10 Postby richartm » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:57 am

Maybe it's time to remove the count of number of posts under the person's id. Instead base the number of cyclones they get on when they joined...

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#11 Postby george_r_1961 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:23 am

Kelly I couldnt have said it better. Lots of space gets wasted by people who just want to increase their post count or just want want to "hear themselves talk". Theres no stigma in lurking at all. Another thing that irks is the thread questioning the 10 page rule; in my opinion if anyone wants to question the rules it should be done in PM and not on the open board.

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#12 Postby Stephanie » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:25 am

Great post Kelly! :D

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#13 Postby ericinmia » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:58 am

Another key problem that I see:

Think of the importance to the GROUP of your post before posting it. If it is only a response to a single person that has no pertinence to the GROUP, send a private message.

I go :eek: :eek: Sometimes when i see people that joined in 2005-6 that have more posts than me and i've been here since '03. Especially when a large majority of their posts are one liners, personal comments to other people, etc.

I miss the old days of being able to pull up a thread and reading the 70% meaningful posts. Now IMHO its down to about < 10% Were not even talking about legitimate questions. The threads are filled with, where people live, things their doing, and other nonsense that to me... don't have any bearing on the storms path.

Before you post think about its importance to S2K as a GROUP before hitting submit. If it is a question or response to one person that has no importance to the group... take it to Private Messages or IM. :grrr: :grrr: :grrr:

Would it be wise to remove the Quick Reply feature like we have in the past? That would cut down on the Nonsense quick thoughts people are posting i think????? :?: :?:

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#14 Postby fingers958 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:30 am

Theres no stigma in lurking at all.

I've been a "lurker" for quite some time.
I read/learn, read more/learn more. And now,(due to selective reading) I feel very competent in analysing/forecasting the tropics (at least my friends are impressed) :D . Thanks S2K. ok, back to lurking.

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#15 Postby fci » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:48 am

Totally agree and being one that came in a couple of years ago when the board apparently started to run astray with all of the things Kelly listed above; I find S2K an invaluable tool and my source for information.

A suggestion would be for the Mods to come down harder on those who are rude and do the things listed above. I know that I was called to task for using the phrase "wishcasting" and it was totally appropriate for me to be called on it. Since then I have used the rule to thouroughly read my post prior to hitting the submit button.

I can definitley be sarcastic and occasionally witty in my own way, but it is easily misinterpreted especially if I miss putting a "smile icon in the message.

So, everyone do as the Mods ask; if you see an offender PM a Mod and let them take care of the problem.
Mods: Keep doing the great job that you do and have even less patience then you have excerised in the past with the scofflaws. Nail them quickly and lets keep S2K clean and the amazing resource that it is!

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#16 Postby southerngale » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:56 am

Downdraft wrote:A very good post but with something left out. Last year was the first time we seem to let rude or personal attacks get almost out of hand. The board did take on a very ill spirit at times mostly from newer posters that came aboard in 2004 and 2005. I hope this year we can nip that in the bud before it starts and deal with it as we always have. It is one thing to disagree it's quite another not to do it with respect. Let's all have a great year together again!

I couldn't address everything in one thread, or nobody would finish reading the post. ;)

We have noticed this as well and have been trying to get things back to where they used to be, but it's a tough task with so many members.

Here's a few places we addressed it:

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#17 Postby Audrey2Katrina » Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:13 am

I go Sometimes when i see people that joined in 2005-6 that have more posts than me and i've been here since '03. Especially when a large majority of their posts are one liners,

Ya know, a lot of folks seem to be concerned about the "one-liners" and/or worried that some folk considered as yet "wet behind the ears" simply shouldn't have a lot of posts, and that this must be consequent to their taking way too many one-line shots just to up their post count. I think this to be a rush to judgment.

Speaking only for myself, the way >I< read Kelly's post is that one should use common sense and discretion in recalling that THIS FORUM (Talking Tropics) is NOT a chat room. It concerns the topic most sensitive to a LOT of folks who are very much involved in wanting to know specifics about storms, and most especially those that could affect their particular area. I can see exactly that point when I log on and find that within hours ten new threads that have decayed to almost idle chatter going on (please, no offense directed at anyone--in all honesty I think we all--well the vast majority--have been guilty of doing this betimes if, often, for no better reason than a quick retort, or to punctuate something important, or even to add a little levity.) This does not mean that simply because someone relatively new has got X number of posts that all they're doing is worrying about their post count, or the number of little symbols they've filled in--though doubtless some may, (particularly the less mature, whether in age or in mentality, for whom this becomes a status symbol--which I find nothing more than that, a symbol of lack of maturity.) it is, I think, unfair to generalize such an assumption across the board (pun intended).

Speaking for myself, I know that when I post in a serious vein, that if brevity is the soul of wit, God help me because I mustn't have one! (Case in point: this post), but I am a teacher, whose kids have grown up and left the nest and spend many hours enriching my knowledge online, and have found S2K to be a nice respite from an otherwise boring summer day. The "Games" forum and "Off Topic" are places I LIKE to frequent, and there a lot of short, nostalgic, and witty posts seem to be quite appropriate (please correct me if I'm wrong--mods only please). It has nothing whatsoever, (at least from my end) with concern about how many posts I have accrued.

If one wishes to fill their little box, I have a wonderful suggestion for them: DONATE to S2K and become an S2K supporter--badge and all. They'll accomplish two things: filling in their little storm icons, and helping keep an informative weather site going strong. But I ask only that the sudden influx of comments about all these 2005-2006 "newbies" running up their posts is just another example of what might be perceived as aimed at an individual who is not "guilty as charged."

Summary of all that hot air: Keep the Forum: Talking Tropics... to the point--TROPICS, and let them be substantive enough to add to any ongoing discussion as opposed to detract from it. As to those who enjoy a more casual "browse" there are other forums for this sort of distraction.

My two cents: Plus a few Benjamin$ :wink:


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#18 Postby bvigal » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:45 pm

Kelly, thanks so much for this thread, and an absolutely BRILLIANT title, I might add!!

S2K is of great value to countless people, offering level-headed advice and helpful information that can't be found elsewhere. From that context, and understanding bandwidth and server issues, I feel there should be no reading without membership, no "off-topic" forum bogging down the server with busy-busy posts, and definitely no awards, notice, milestones or any other kind of recognition for total number of posts. It seems to me that those things work against what is trying to be accomplished. JMHO, and thanks for letting me express it!

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#19 Postby ericinmia » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:51 pm

^^^ agreed... Many REALLY busy forums have to get rid of post counts, and post awards, because it results in nonsense.

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#20 Postby vbhoutex » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:55 pm

fingers958 wrote:
Theres no stigma in lurking at all.

I've been a "lurker" for quite some time.
I read/learn, read more/learn more. And now,(due to selective reading) I feel very competent in analysing/forecasting the tropics (at least my friends are impressed) :D . Thanks S2K. ok, back to lurking.

Why not express your thoughts here too? That is the best way to learn and to help others learn. As "competent" as I think I am with the tropics and "forecasting" the tropics, I still am learning many things thanks to our wonderful and large community of pro's, amatuers and everyday posters. Why not add your 2 cents to that?

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