Post Hurricane Areas Prime Theft Locations

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Post Hurricane Areas Prime Theft Locations

#1 Postby Jagno » Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:09 am

We are learning all too well that debris isn't the only thing that follows a hurricane. Today made the 6th time we have been robbed, vandalized and targeted by thugs in the past two months. We called in the cops and detectives to find out WHY and what we can do to prevent this and was basically told that since hurricane Rita the theft and vandalism has gone up by 300%. It's a prime target for thugs because of many factors including:
1. Debris and contruction materials makes it easier to hide behind.
2. Folks living in temporary housing at the rear of their property generally leaves the whole house and front of the property unsecured so that you can't see or hear what's going on.
3. Most if not all of the exterior lighting and street lights are gone so working in the cover of darkness is much preferred by these theives and best of all no fences left and our property backs up to a huge wooded area that they can easily escape into :cry: .

In the past 7 weeks we've had:
1. our mailbox and mail destroyed (set on fire)
2. our motor home broken into, vandalized and robbed
3. all the tires on our motor home, emergency kitchen, utility trailer, cargo trailer, 2 Harley's, F350, Nissan, Toyota and 2 Artic cats slashed
4. Storage POD broken into and robbed.
5. Honda RX80 dirtbike stolen, not recovered
6. 100th Anniversary Harley stolen, wrecked, recovered today
7. business robbed

What's even worse is that we were advised tonight that one of the thieves that has been evading the cops has word out on the street that he's coming back TO OUR HOME to get both Harley's and other desirable objects. I'm so upset. We've lived here for 25 years and NEVER had a problem.

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Re: Post Hurricane Areas Prime Theft Locations

#2 Postby Dionne » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:06 am

Jagno wrote:We are learning all too well that debris isn't the only thing that follows a hurricane. Today made the 6th time we have been robbed, vandalized and targeted by thugs in the past two months. We called in the cops and detectives to find out WHY and what we can do to prevent this and was basically told that since hurricane Rita the theft and vandalism has gone up by 300%. It's a prime target for thugs because of many factors including:
1. Debris and contruction materials makes it easier to hide behind.
2. Folks living in temporary housing at the rear of their property generally leaves the whole house and front of the property unsecured so that you can't see or hear what's going on.
3. Most if not all of the exterior lighting and street lights are gone so working in the cover of darkness is much preferred by these theives and best of all no fences left and our property backs up to a huge wooded area that they can easily escape into :cry: .

In the past 7 weeks we've had:
1. our mailbox and mail destroyed (set on fire)
2. our motor home broken into, vandalized and robbed
3. all the tires on our motor home, emergency kitchen, utility trailer, cargo trailer, 2 Harley's, F350, Nissan, Toyota and 2 Artic cats slashed
4. Storage POD broken into and robbed.
5. Honda RX80 dirtbike stolen, not recovered
6. 100th Anniversary Harley stolen, wrecked, recovered today
7. business robbed

What's even worse is that we were advised tonight that one of the thieves that has been evading the cops has word out on the street that he's coming back TO OUR HOME to get both Harley's and other desirable objects. I'm so upset. We've lived here for 25 years and NEVER had a problem.

Sounds like your dealing with more than just random looting/theft. Having that many tires slashed implies your a target. Theft is one thing while willful destruction in a continuing pattern is another. You must have suspects. Make a list of names.

Obviously the police are either overwhelmed or there is corruption. Yes people......even cops steal.....and they have the perfect cover .

As I see are some options. It will take money and time. You need to position as many motion sensor lights as possible around your property. You need a siren activated when any window or door is compromised. You need a big warning sign......"Property owner is ARMED". Then fill your shotgun with birdshot. Publish a reward offer. Become aggressive. Hire an armed guard while your away. Or better yet, pretend your away and lie low. On the wooded side of your property, find the paths used and dangle a hot wire (which is quite illegal). We dropped several hot wires (110) at the rear door of our buisness after Katrina....we had one more break-in....nothing stolen.

There are drawbacks to self protection. The punk that stole our vintage Mustang carried a 45 revolver. If someone dies on your property from a "dangling wire" you could be liable. Worst case scenario you could be killed. Drug addicts stealing for money have nothing to lose.

We had trouble at our Hattiesburg home and our Crystal Springs business. To be honest.....I enjoyed securing the properties. But then again I spent some time in the Infantry long ago and never did bring all my marbles back home.

You can stop the criminal activites on your property. Become vigilant.

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#3 Postby CajunMama » Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:35 am

Jagno, I had no idea you were going thru this. I so hope they catch this jerk. You don't deserve this at all, not after what you've gone thru.

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#4 Postby southerngale » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:12 am

I'm so sorry to hear this, Jagno. Geesh... I can't stand people who think they have a right to what someone else has worked for. The scumbags need to get off their lazy butts and get a job! We need MUCH stiffer penalties the first time someone commits a crime like this.... why work when you can probably just steal from someone else and not get caught, and if you do get caught, a slap on the wrist? :roll:

Have you done anything more to protect yourself since you last posted? My parents are in a nice neighborhood, but had something similar occur - several break-ins in a 10 day period. The cops didn't catch them or recover any of their stuff. They took matters into their own hands and "installed" their own protection. No more trouble.

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Re: Post Hurricane Areas Prime Theft Locations

#5 Postby Ptarmigan » Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:14 pm

Sorry to hear that. What is wrong with some people? :roll: You need to take action. They take advantage of people affected by disaster. They are the scum of the Earth. :grr:

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