NCDC Report: Jan-May 2009 ranks 6th warmest globally

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NCDC Report: Jan-May 2009 ranks 6th warmest globally

#1 Postby jinftl » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:13 pm

Excerpt from National Climatic Data Center report....period January 2009 - May 2009 ranked as the 6th warmest since records have been kept.

From NCDC Report (link below map):
Based on preliminary data, the globally averaged combined land and sea surface temperature was the fourth warmest on record for May, the fifth warmest for boreal spring (March-May), and tied with 2003 as the sixth warmest January-May year-to-date period.

The January-May 2009 map of temperature anomalies shows the presence of warmer-than-average conditions across much of the world's land areas, with the exception of cooler-than-average temperatures across parts of northeastern Australia, eastern Siberia, southern Alaska, north central contiguous U.S., and most of Canada. Sea surface temperatures were warmer than average across the North Indian and western Pacific oceans, and most of the Atlantic Ocean. Cooler-than-average SSTs were present across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, along the western coasts of North America and northwestern Africa, and across most of the southern oceans.

Image ... .html#temp

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Re: NCDC Report: Jan-May 2009 ranks 6th warmest globally

#2 Postby WeatherLovingDoc » Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:03 pm

Thirty years in the mid-Atlantic area: last two years no significant snow accumulation at all. More rain noted for the last two years. Still wondering why our Oak trees were bereft of acorns last year, and hoping for no repeat this year. That would be significant.

Thanks for posting that graph!

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